JL, SM & CECILIA @Nieuwe instituut Rotterdam
Janthinobacterium Lividum, Serratia Marcenscens and Cecilia Raspanti started at TextileLab Amsterdam - Waag and explore together dyeing with bacteria as an alternative.
Designers have been inspired by nature for centuries, mainly focusing on its aesthetics and functionalities. Today, technology allows us all to explore and observe micro mechanisms showing how bacteria function and perform activities.
This collaboration project is a research exploration of how we can not only learn and imitate, but also collaborate with microorganisms. Choosing to collaborate with these bacteria also means to learn from their behaviour, needs and reactions, but also teaches us how to work in an open, transparent and inclusive manner.
With Dissident Gardens, Het Nieuwe Instituut focuses on the most current expressions of the classic struggle between nature and culture. The programme includes a multi-part installation, a related exhibition (The Human Insect) and a series of lectures and debates.
The bacterial studio and bioshades project was presented in the context of Biotopia, one of the 4 sections of the exhibition.
- bacteria dyes research studio
- bacterial pigments archive - JL, SM, ML, MR
- bacterial dyed panel - silk chiffon 250 cm x 150 cm
image credits: Het Nieuwe Instituut